A research-informed approach.

We designed this project with the science of positive psychology in mind. Rather than simply provide supplies to youth, we create positive interventions that we believe will have beneficial downstream effects.

A positive intervention is an event or activity designed to enhance well-being for individuals and/or communities. Our project aims to promote individual well-being at the psychological (greater agency), emotional (positive affect), and physical level (menstrual support), as well as collective well-being within the community.

A little about the science behind the what and why:

Experiencing positive emotions enables individuals to broaden their perspective and build resources. With this in mind, we designed our parties and packs to be uplifting, encouraging, and full of sweet surprises. We believe that an extra dose of period positivity may increase support-seeking behaviors, reduce period-related absences, and positively impact how youth relate to their changing bodies.

Our events and offerings are also designed to increase participants sense of belonging and community. Brief social-belonging interventions have shown improved health outcomes, particularly for minority students. In designing our parties, we strive to promote a “we culture” where youth feel that they are not alone; we are here to support each other. Additionally, we continue to engage students in designing graphics that represent different races, gender expressions and identities, and perspectives. Even if one youth feels a greater sense of belonging or mattering through our events or a pack they received, we will have succeeded.